Vertex Parenting with Geometry Nodes
Sep 30, 2023
Using Geometry Nodes can feel pretty limiting when all you can ever do is effect geometry. However, there's a little trick I've been using for a while now that circumvents that limitation entirely.
Vertex parenting.
Watch the tutorial here
By using vertices as 3D control points, you can manage those vertices with geometry nodes while parenting or constraining other objects to them, including empties, cameras, lamps, armatures, collection instances etc.
A couple of use cases that I use this in professionally is when instancing doors and wheels for assets. It's important that I can position them procedurally, yet their transform centres (origins) need to be on their rotation axis, not at the world origin, and so standard geometry nodes instances won't suffice.
Only by vertex parenting are you able to get the full hierarchical control of all objects in Blender. It's very easy, and very powerful.