Mesh Wrapping with Geometry Nodes

geometry nodes lesson file youtube Mar 24, 2023
A stylised render of a decorative patterned vase with the text "Mesh Wrapping"

Originally posted on Patreon on 22nd January 2023:

In this tutorial we look at wrapping a flat(ish) mesh around a 3D surface by sampling the UVs using the new Sample UV Surface node.

Watch it here:

This process is great for building facades, complex ceramics designs, fabrics and textiles and many more where the mesh we wrap starts flat and will conform to a form.

If you're looking for a method of "pinning" a mesh to a deforming object (for example a skinned mesh) then I recommend Ducan Rudd's video showing off his vulture wing setup:

Hope you enjoy the session and Happy New Year!

Grab the final file here

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