Endless Bloom File

geometry nodes lesson file nodevember youtube Mar 23, 2023
A blue rose coated in frost

Originally posted on Patreon on 22nd Febrary 2022: https://www.patreon.com/posts/endless-bloom-62899766

I never shared the endless bloom I did during Nodevember because I felt like it was too simple next to the Flower Shop and Mouse House. I think I did it as a rest day between the larger marathon peices. As it's been requested quite a number of times now, I thought I should share the file for anyone curious about the process.

NOTE: In Blender 3.1 and higher, there are more optimal methods for transfering data around so you might see some pretty janky nodes going on.

The setup is pretty simple, just a torus (from ETK) with an animated V phase offset so that it rolls outwards. Petals are instanced on points and pass through noise as they scale which gives the indication of unfurling. Clipping through each other is a shortcoming of this process... Ideally, some sort of cloth sim would be done and looped but that's a current system limitation.

Here's the timelapse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WP3xPPirn8I


Grab the file here

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