Diamond Mesh Sphere with Geometry Nodes
Mar 24, 2023
Originally posted on Patreon on 6th March 2023: https://www.patreon.com/posts/diamond-mesh-79652457
Someone on Instagram threw me a question about creating a sphere of diamonds where each face of the dual mesh of an icosphere is split into 3 diamonds (2 + a triangle on the pentagons) and I thought it would be a quick one. Alas, took me a minute to get my head around so I thought I would share the file with you all here. It's got my scruffy annotation working outs so hopefully somewhat followable here.
Ended up being an exercise in manipulating indices to transfer positions to an array of 2x2 grids.
I'm sure there are more intelligent methods but this is where I landed.
PS. Annotations apparently don't follow UI scaling so for them to line up, you'll need to set your interface preferences in Blender to 1.30 UI scaling!